Wednesday, April 27, 2011

L.A Day 1:

I've not long arrived so am a mite jet lagged as I type. Forgive me.

I am chilling out debating leaving the hostel in search of food. As luck would have it I am a short walk from some highly recommended restaurants. I'm staying just off Sunset Blvd, and am not far from Koreatown. this pleases me greatly for as you will learn with this blog I am a BIG fan of Korean food. It's up there with Japanese, Italian, Sichuan & Mexican in my Top 5.

This hostel is not quite as instantly friendly as others have been (more on that in one of the many Japan posts I have sitting in my drafts folder), however I have just finished talking to the most delightfully camp German born Turkish flight attendant. They find me. I am an International Hag. To quote my idol Karen Walker, "the gays just love me".

On a food related note, hats off to V Australia for their exceptionally good food. That Luke Mangan knows his stuff. Colour me very impressed!

I will attempt to write as I go, but I'm the type of traveller that goes with the flow so may have to do a massive blog amnesty upon my return. I am massively looking forward to San Francisco, I probably won't write much as will be far too busy stuffing my face when I'm there. It seems like my kind of town.

My stomach is rumbling so may have to head off in search of food. May do a spot of sight seeing as i go :)

'til next time dear readers! Adieu!

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